**Add your favorite Carbon focused organization (you can also key word search) ** 1) Press edit (TOP BAR), 2) click the last row's cell > 3) click the blue shaded cell ">" 4) click "Insert Row Below" to add a new row below 5) double tap in the cell to type.

Tools List
Source About Web
Climate Trace Al Gore associated project interactively mapping CO2 emissons globally https://climatetrace.org/
Argonne National Lab Climate Risk and Resilience Portal (ClimRR) Massive compute for location-specific climate risk analysis, powerful enough for local governments to use for assessing climate risk. Temperatures, wind, precipitation, and more in the US only. https://climrr.anl.gov/
Reforestation App Partnership with UC Santa Cruz to provide transparency on reforestation projects https://reforestation.app/
Planetary Intelligence open-data platform that recommends best-practices in climate and sustainability solutions by geo-location and local context.

using AI / DI

Reef Resilience Tools for understanding and communicating 20+ ocean climate issues https://reefresilience.org/toolkits/
Topolytics Waste Map Fee Based Service to map data regarding waste streams and management geared to circular economy https://www.topolytics.com/
C Trees Interactive observation of forest data https://ctrees.org/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Climate Finance Tracker Climate Finance Trackers are designed to help climate funders and ‘ecosystem builders’ better collaborate by easily exploring: who is funding what, who to talk to for shared learnings, where are the gaps, and what type of capital could be most effective where. https://www.climatefinancetracker.com/
Berkeley Earth Data Viz Data visualizations of temperature anomalies and more https://berkeleyearth.org/data-visualization/
Methane Sat interactive satellite space based methane emission tracker https://www.methanesat.org/
Visual Capitalist / Decarbonization Visualizations to power your presentations https://decarbonization.visualcapitalist.com/gridlock-visualizing-the-u-s-clean-energy-backlog/
Interconnection FYI Track interconnection queue requests across US ISOs and utilities. Learn what types of projects are being proposed, where, and how long they take to get approved. https://www.interconnection.fyi/
ChatGPT Sustainability Strategist GPT on OpenAI trained on best practices for all levels of sustainability action/reporting https://chat.openai.com/g/g-MKdkpt9Ud-sustainability-strategist
Cool Climate A University - Government - Business - NGO Partnership

at the University of California, Berkeley. A research group that develops smart decision-making tools and programs to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

UN BioDiversity Lab Interactive free to access to spatial data and analytic tools as a digital public good; https://unbiodiversitylab.org/en/about/
SDG Transformation Center SDG & Sustainability reports for countries, cities and regions using science based methodologies, and investigations into financing action https://sdgtransformationcenter.org/
Climate Central Interactive map of climate risk ( sea level rise, storms ) https://coastal.climatecentral.org/
Electric Car Mapper density of registered electric vehicle ( could help in planning chargers) https://www.axios.com/2023/11/30/ev-electric-cars-cities-america-most
RMI Oil and Gas Emissions Map The Rocky Mountain Institute is a decades old environmental think tank working with govenerment, business, and educators. This interactive map plots global FF emissions https://ociplus.rmi.org/
Climate Vulnerability Map Interactive Map of the US by Texas AM and Environmental Defense fund showing hyper local data sets on environmental risk. https://map.climatevulnerabilityindex.org/map/cvi_overall/usa?mapBoundaries=Tract&mapFilter=0&reportBoundaries=Tract&geoContext=State
Google Sustainability Interactive Data https://sustainability.google/technology/tools/
Marine Protected Atlas Interactive map of the global marine protected areas by the Marine Conservation Inst. https://mpatlas.org/zones/
Data Commons Largest knowledge graph for city decision makers https://datacommons.org/
Google Insights Google data tools for urban planners ( how much solar potential? where should we have a park? plant trees?) https://insights.sustainability.google/
Google Earth Map Interactive google maps over time available for api...shows environmental deforestation drought climate change https://earthengine.google.com/
Climate Change AI Wiki/ Tutorials Education/Training https://wiki.climatechange.ai/wiki/Welcome_to_the_Climate_Change_AI_Wiki
*TOP SITE* NOAA Carbon Tracker source of original empirical carbon data, global concentrations and sources. https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/carbontracker/index.html
NASA Interactive Data https://climate.nasa.gov/explore/interactives
Climate (US) Interactive Data https://toolkit.climate.gov/tools
Reforestation Map One Tree Planted Interactive Data https://onetreeplanted.org/pages/global-forest-watch
Cool Climate Carbon Footprint etc Maps Berkley Interactive Data https://coolclimate.berkeley.edu/maps
Carbon Dioxide Removal Map Interactive Map of

removal projects and organizations

Carbon Mapper - Methane Tracker Interactive Data https://carbonmapper.org/
Cambridge Uni. University Hub Focusing campus skills on zero emissions https://www.zero.cam.ac.uk/our-mission
World Resources Inst Massive Climate Visualization for report global resources including coral forests, solar installations, crop expansions Interactive Data https://resourcewatch.org/
World Database on Protected Areas UN funded database listing conserved areas around the globe, searchable or interactive; protected areas reviewed for effectiveness https://www.protectedplanet.net/en/thematic-areas/wdpa?tab=WDPA
GHG calculation tool for cities Calculator https://ghgprotocol.org/calculation-tools
Food Waste Policy Tracker Harvard & ReFed Search for US local and federal food waste related policy https://policyfinder.refed.org/?mc_cid=9d0896a282
Company Plan Tool for Business ESG Reporting Business Reporting https://plana.earth/
Open Source Carbon and Sustainability Calculator Calculator https://www.cloudcarbonfootprint.org/
City CLimate Dashboard climate dashboard comparing cities in California https://cityclimatedashboard.org/
UN International Panel on CLimate Change Reports Scientific Reports https://www.cloudcarbonfootprint.org/
UN IPCC Sustainable Development Goals Beginning place for basic negotiated global goals/standards https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/climate-change/
Forest Trends Interactive map of global reforestation project https://www.forest-trends.org/
World Bank Carbon Pricing Interactive Map https://carbonpricingdashboard.worldbank.org/
The Gold Standard Major Registry & Guide, Carbon Projects Certification https://www.goldstandard.org/guided-tour/project-developers#project-developers
Verra Registry Major Registry of certified carbon and impact projects https://registry.verra.org/#/ccb
Rho Impact Crane Tool Prime Coalition Free tool assessing emissions and impact starups to corporations https://rhoimpact.com
2030n Carbon Footprint Calculator for products Tool to measure the carbon impact of a product ( great for small business) https://www.2030calculator.com/
Global Forest Watch Interactive Map of global deforestation/ places actively being watched. Net Changes. Dashboards. Fires. https://www.globalforestwatch.org/
Carbon Plan CDR Verification https://carbonplan.org/research/cdr-verification
Carbon Plan Interactive Map Seaweed carbon https://carbonplan.org/research/seaweed-farming
Cal CARB Interactive GHG emissions Map ( reporting tool and guides) https://www.arb.ca.gov/carbapps/pollution-map/
Carbon 180 Policy Tracker List of US policies in dev https://carbon180.org/policy-tracker
Web3 Climate Map Interactive Map of WEB3 tech and carbon credits https://kumu.io/climate-collective/web3-climate-map
Real Climate Science Journalistic presentation of science by scientists https://www.realclimate.org/
Trust For Public Land Interactive US Map of Carbon assets (Forest) https://site.tplgis.org/carbonmapsecure/viewer/
CDR FYI Carbon Removal Delivery Transparency project with attempt for capturing all direct capture project numbers https://www.cdr.fyi/
MIT Simulator Projects warming degrees based on individual sliders user controls https://en-roads.climateinteractive.org/scenario.html?v=23.2.2&p1=24&p7=12&p10=0.5&p30=-0.03&p47=3.4&p50=2.3&p53=46&p57=-6.6&p59=-73&p63=10.3&p235=1.2&p65=62&p67=66
OpenAir Collective deep collection of resources for carbon removal education https://openaircollective.cc/resources/
EDF interactive City tool of utility leaks https://www.edf.org/climate/methanemaps
Lucid energy incentive finder app search for incentives in your US area https://www.incentif.app/itc-calculator
Speed and Scale John Doer Interactive Dashboard on 10 things to get to net zero; global progess and measurement charted and described https://speedandscale.com/tracker/
Solar Impulse Curated database of eco solutions available for consumers and entrepreneurs https://solarimpulse.com/solutions-explorer
Carbon Price Dashboard Carbon market data interactive with globe from World Bank https://carbonpricingdashboard.worldbank.org/
IEA Global Methane Tracker Mostly a report https://www.iea.org/reports/global-methane-tracker-2022/overview
Center for climate security and risk Areas of extreme weather deserving military action https://councilonstrategicrisks.org/2023/06/06/ccs-releases-new-tool-military-responses-to-climate-hazards-tracker/
CTVC IRA tax tracker table of IRA tax incentives https://airtable.com/shrzbm0uBAWOyP7Sd/tblFzX5IPIamN8zzB?ref=ctvc.co
Norton Rose Fulbright Production and Investment tax reduction cheat sheet ( 2023 ) https://www.projectfinance.law/media/5823/2023-04-22-db-comments-to-ira-tax-credit-chart-61.pdf?ref=ctvc.co
Science Based Targets Provides companies with a clearly-defined path to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement goals. https://sciencebasedtargets.org/
Net Zero Tracker Tracks the progress of nations towards their net zero goals. How is your country doing? https://zerotracker.net/
Crane CRANE is a free tool provided by Prime Coalition and Rho Impact to help you save time and money analyzing company impact https://cranetool.org/
Offstream Carbon Credit Calculator for carbon project developers https://offstream.vercel.app/?123
WRI Aquaduct Tools to identify global water resource issues Flood, Agriculture risks, drinking https://www.wri.org/aqueduct/tools
WRI Forest Monitoring Global Forest Watch Deforestation alerts, inventory, with an amazing amount of biodiversity and forest type overlays ( Mangroves) https://www.globalforestwatch.org/
WRI Energy / Resources Maps Intense global interactive maps with layers for energy generation types and demand and emissions https://www.wri.org/initiatives/resource-watch
WRI Urban Shift platform https://www.shiftcities.org/
Carbon glossary of terms By Carbon Brief a glossary so that you can be conversant in carbon quickly https://interactive.carbonbrief.org/carbon-offsets-2023/glossary.html?utm_content=buffer5ead8&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Climate Cabinet Scorecard US climate policy tracker, and specifics about local elected official, and ROI for investment into campaigns https://www.climatecabinetaction.org/climate-cabinet-scorecard